Kendriya Vidyalaya Kailashahar opened in the Year 1993. It is a single section School having Classes I to XII. Science stream is offered at the Senior Secondary Level.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Kailashahar is run by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan on autonomous body under the Ministry of Human Resources Development. The main objective of this Vidyalaya is to provide educational facility to the children of Defense personal. Central Government Employees, Employees of autonomous bodies who are liable to be transferred from one station to another all over India.
Vidyalaya is at present accommodated in a permanent building provided by the sponsoring authority 7.62 acres of land has been provided by the Govt. of Tripura for the construction of permanent school building and other infrastructure. There are 15 classes, 5 Nos. laboratories, a library hall, a computer rooms and several departments like games and sports, music, teaching aids, a play ground and morning assembly stage.
The Vidyalaya has two small gardens, one at the front of the office and other adjacent of the Principal’s Office. Ashoka trees are planted along the road of the entrance gate.